Peddler/Solicitor License

Did you know that the sales people that come to your neighborhood wanting you to buy magazines, books, or ice cream need to have a Peddlers and Solicitors License?

In order for a "peddler" to sell house to house, store to store, or place to place, selling or offering for sale goods, subscriptions, wares, merchandise, refreshments or other kinds of property, they must first have a license issued from Northfield Township per Ordinance No. 83-4, effective September 12, 1983. They must be able to offer their license for your perusal upon request.

The next time someone knocks on your door asking if you want to buy some works of literature, ask to see their license. If they do not have one, you may suggest that they come to the Township Offices to apply. You may also call the Northfield Township Police non-emergency number (734-449-9911) and request a warning.

If anyone has any questions about a Peddlers and Solicitors License, please call the Northfield Township Manager at (734) 449-2880 ext. 12.

Peddler/Solicitor License Application